Friday, November 6, 2009

For Newer Quilters - Needle Selection Information

I have only been quilting and sewing for less than two years, so there is much I do not know.  My sister and I started together early last year. As we have taken classes and I've worked at Country Quiltworks, we have picked up a lot of information along the way.

My sis just sent me a link to an article on how to select the right sewing machine needle for a project.  Well, it was eye-opening to me.  Frankly (I can hear you experienced quilters cringing), I've been pretty much using the same needle for everything, unless I am stitching denim - then I would move to a sturdier needle.  Obviously, I needed an education.  So for you less-experienced quilters like myself, here is some information that might be helpful on Choosing a Sewing Machine Needle.

And on a side note - I finally refreshed my memory on how to add bloggy links.  YAY.  So now I can appropriately link to sites when necessary.

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